
Non destructive root imaging

Unlock the hidden half of plants with X-RayCT root imaging

Who doesn't want to learn what's going on belowground? Plant root systems are critical for the overall performance and resilience to various stress types.  Obtaining quantitative nondestructive data from plant roots is high on the list of many researchers in the plant science domain. Typically some data can only be obtained by destructive or artificial methods such as shovelomics and for insance rhizo plates. The quality and throughput of this data is often limited in dimensionality or restricted to a single timepoints.

Latest developments in X-RayCT enable users to nondestructively extract 3D root system data, in high throughput, from plants growing in pots with soil. Leveraging this technology opens a new World of potential to study the behavior and development of root systems. These new insights can be leveraged into various processes such as breeding, treatment efficacy and basic root research.

Track record

PhenoKey has implemented various systems for the automated nondestructive imaging of plant root systems. Systems ranging from benchtop upto 4mtr tall cornplants have been implemented in the past years.

Turn-key automated solutions can be realized based on the by Fraunhofer developed X-RayCT systems. These solutions are fine tuned to the project needs and will therefore be optimized for the needs with respect to resolution, sample size and throughput.

Proof on Concept studies are possible to explore and/ or validate the potential of this technology for your specific needs.

Fraunhofer IIS Centre for X-Ray Development EZRT
Non destructive 3D potato tuber scan Copyright ©FraunhoferIIS Non destructive 3D potato tuber scan Copyright ©FraunhoferIIS
PhenoCT XL setup at Purdue University in cooperation with Fraunhofer EZRT PhenoCT XL setup at Purdue University in cooperation with Fraunhofer EZRT
Teamfoto after PhenoCT at CAAS China. Client contact by PhenoTrait China Teamfoto after PhenoCT at CAAS China. Client contact by PhenoTrait China
CT Portable with robotic automated sample exchange CT Portable with robotic automated sample exchange


Retrieve 3D root systems in minutes


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